항상 곁에 있어 줘

summary – •

hey! you can call me hazard. i'm an adult and i like to create stuff. this is my personal site to mess around with code and archive whatever i feel like.

last updated on ▇▇▇▇▇ – there's been a total of ▇▇▇▇▇ visitors.

updates – •

08.30.2024 new layout (again) (again)

08.28.2024 added some stuff to the index and improved cache busting

08.26.2024 created this layout

08.25.2024 updated the layout/style to green and black (again)

08.24.2024 added some links to resources

status – •

buttons – •

free palestine button firefox button responsive website button completely handcoded button remblanc trademarkization company of 2003